Present Simple

The key rule: general life

We use Present Simple to  talk about everyday life generally. “Generally” is the key word here, since it suggests that it’s general presence, so whenever you talk about something in a general way, you use the Present Simple tense.  

When exactly do we use it?

To cut a long story short, it’s used in the following instances:

1) We talk about our daily routines, habits.

Normally I get up at 6am. Later I have breakfast and leave for work. 

2) general truths 

Warsaw is the capital of Poland. 

3) when you give directions or instructions

To get there, you pass by a big shop on the left, and on the traffic light you go straight on. 

4) when you talk about timetables, schedules

Bus number 234 arrives at 9:47am.

Present Continuous

The key rule: now

We use Present Continuous to talk about actions happening at the moment. The problem is at the moment might actually refer to two things: (1) things that happen at the moment of speaking:

She’s watching TV now. (=I can see her sitting on the sofa watching TV.)

and (2) things that don’t happen at the moment of speaking:

(You’re talking to a friend you met in the street) What TV series are you watching now?
I’m currently watching a new season of Friends.

(3) we talk about events that have already been arranged:

I’m attending my sister’s wedding in May. (The party has already been arranged.)
I’m seeing a doctor today. (She’s already made an appointment.)
She’s coming to Warsaw this Wednesday. (She’s already bought a ticket.)

(4) we express irritation:

She’s always leaving the door open!

The featured image: PDPics from Pixabay.