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The weekend ride

It was another weekend in my life. This was the time I had nothing to do, so I decided to make my family have a bike ride together. There were a lot of people outdoors, since the weather was beautiful. Unfortunately, I didn’t take my sunglasses along, so I was a little blinded by the sun. After 2 hours, we felt tired, so we decided to stop and drink some water in the shade. Then the accident happened. Two bikers hit each other. One of the bikers fell on the ground, so we immediately rushed to check how he was. My wife called the ambulance while I was helping the man to sit down. He seemed to be fine except some cuts and bruises. However, we thought the doc should see him to make sure he was okey. After parademics arrived pretty quickly, we continued our ride home. We were very hungry and tired.

Featured image by Jan Huber on Unsplash.