Some claim that since we can’t tell when the work is completed in a complex domain of work, there are no deadlines in Agile. Is that really so?

What is a deadline?

It’s a time (or a point in time) by which something must be done and over with. Something must by completely finished by a certain date.  In English, In reference to time, “by” usually means “not later than a certain day” or “before it”.

What’s the derivation of the word?

The word usage dates back to 1960s, the times of the American Civil War. Back then, it used to be spelt as “a dead line”. During the war, a “do not cross line” was drawn around a prison camp. It literally meant what it conveyed. That is to say, if a prisoner crossed the line, they would be shot dead by the guard.

So are deadlines possible in Agile?

Given how I understand the Agile Mindset, I think it’s a myth to think there are no deadlines in Agile. In most cases you have to deliver something by a certain time, which is kind of deadline as such. Look at Scrum. By the end of the Sprint, the team must deliver a potentially releasable increment. My understanding is that, what matters most in Agile, is to ensure that the most valuable features are done FIRST. Which is validated by the end of the Sprint, the end of which is a deadline for the Scrum Team. Another benefit Agile provides in reference to a deadline is that in Agile we spot problems much faster. Thanks to that, the team has some time to adapt its course before a certain time.

Deadlines are needed

Deadlines are a reality. Everyone has some deadlines to meet. They act as kind of positive pressure that most people need to come up with better ideas to reach the goal. Moreover, people do the planning in reference to time being the same reference for all. This time of reference is your deadline. We plan in time, during time, and for the sake of time.

Deadlines aren’t Agile, but …

Given how I understand the Agile Mindset, I think it’s a myth to think there are no deadlines in Agile, as in most cases you have to deliver something by a certain time, which is kind of deadline as such. Look at Scrum. By the end of the Sprint, the team must deliver a potentially releasable increment. My understanding is that, what matters most in Agile, is to ensure that the most valuable features are done FIRST, which is validated by the end of the Sprint, the end of which is a deadline for the Scrum Team. Another benefit Agile provides in reference to a deadline is that in Agile we spot problems much faster, so the team has some time to adapt its course before a certain time.