Stop saying ”can you repeat”

While being in the UK, I’ve never heard a native speaker saying ”can you repeat” if they misheard something. It was actually non-natives, including Poles, who were using the phrase quite frequently. You’re understood, but still you sound like a robot! Hardly anyone I’d taught before was aware of that because no one had ever told them about it. We rarely use the phrase in Polish, let alone in English. Moreover, if you ask someone to repeat something, they will say the same exact words, which might be a problem if you don’t know the vocabulary used by your speaker. How to ask to repeat something to sound more native then?

How to ask to repeat something – most popular phrases

1# Sorry? I’m Sorry? (intonation rises)

“Sorry” is a very versatile (=flexible in usage) word, as it plays lots of language social functions. You can use it to both apologize and indicate you didn’t catch something. You also use it to ask a stranger a question:

A: (at the underground station) Sorry! Do you happen to know what time the Tube to Baker Street leaves?

B: Sorry? Once again? (=I didn’t hear what you said)

How to distinguish usages of “sorry” then? Intonation plays a crucial part. They way you say a word indicates the meaning of the word.

2# Excuse me? (intonation rises)

Just as the word “sorry”, you can express different the idea of apologizing and mishearing something. It depends on intonation what meaning the word carries. It can express surprise, shock, anger or amazement as well:

A: I’ve failed my driving test again.

B: Excuse me?! Again?! (anger)

3# Come again?

That’s an informal way to ask someone to say something again:

A: I’ve met John in town today.

B: Who? Come again?

4# (Sorry) Can you say that again, please? (on a busy street)

A: Have you heard that John got engaged last week?

B: Who? Can you say that again?

How to ask to repeat something – some other examples

5# What did you say?

6# I didn’t catch it/that. (slang use of ‘catch’)

7# Can you speak up?/Speak up please.

8# Sorry, I’m not with you here.

9# I don’t get you.

10# What was that?


There are so many natural ways to tell someone to repeat something. Do not use ‘Can you repeat?’ unless you’re asking someone about their phone number.